A Great Place to Start

Satrix has a broad range of ETFs and index-tracking unit trusts available and the Satrix Access Range is a great place to begin your investment journey, especially if you like smaller menus. It includes four of our flagship funds that cater for a range of investment time horizons and risk appetites. If you’re just starting with your investment journey, or prefer to diversify your existing portfolio, our access range is for you.

These four flagship funds cover a broad-based local and global market access, as well as a money market fund. For those who just want equity exposure, we’ve included a multi-asset fund which invests in equities, bonds, property and cash. This is your go-to range for low-cost local, global, or multi-asset exposure.

Still deciding between an ETF or unit trust? Click here to find out more.

Access Range

Let’s talk about our Satrix Access Range

So you want to invest to reach your goals, but where should you start?

There are so many options to invest in – it can seem a little daunting.

Which is why we created our Satrix Access Range. It’s the perfect place to begin your journey.

The range features our four flagship funds – offering you broad-based local and global market access, a money-market fund and a multi-asset fund.