What Do You Get When You Open a SatrixNOW Account?


A standard investment account


A tax-free savings account


Retirement annuity accounts are opened upon your request


5 Things You'll Love About the SatrixNOW Platform

Just Start - with SatrixNOW in 5 Easy Steps

Create Login Credentials

To start, provide your email address for your SatrixID account and create your username and password login credentials.


Then set up 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) to add a second layer of protection to your account.

Create Your Profile

Select your profile type and complete your personal information.


Answer a few simple Know Your Client (KYC) questions as part of the FICA regulations and accept the Terms & Conditions.

Fund Your Account

Your final step will be to fund your account so you can start building your investment portfolio.

A Great Place to Start


The Satrix Access Range is a great place to begin your investment journey. It includes five of our flagship funds that cater for a range of investment horizons and risk appetites.

Access Range