Satrix is delighted to launch our new 2024 brand campaign “Own the Market. Own Your Future”. 

The campaign celebrates investors embracing a holistic perspective of their reality. The overarching message, ‘I invest, so I see the world differently’ lends itself to how investors identify opportunities in their everyday lives and speaks to how engaging with the world around them may be a little different. 

You’re invested in your investments, so you behave like an owner because you are one. According to René Basson, Head of Brand at Satrix, “When you are introduced to the world of investing, the services and goods you interact with become more than just an exchange traded fund (ETF) you’ve bought, but something you’re committed to as it’s a result of the investment of your time, effort and money.” 

“When you own something, you value it and treat it with care. This message acknowledges investors who treat their investments and the world around them in the same way.” She adds. 

‘Own the Market. Own Your Future.’ reinforces that Satrix allows you to own the breadth of a financial market in a single transaction and that through investing, you can set yourself up for long-term financial success and take control of your financial future. 

René brings attention to the campaign also serving as a meta-comment about Satrix’s approach to investing, “When you consider this brand message, it also encourages you, as an investor, to be anything but passive and take that first step to start your investment journey. 

Scroll down to watch the two adverts.