OUR FUNDS > Satrix MSCI World

Satrix MSCI World

You’re ready to diversify across developed market stock markets and want to protect your money against rand weakness. No offshore bank account needed.

JSE code: STXWDM  The fund tracks the performance of the MSCI World (Developed Markets) Index in South African Rand by investing in the iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF (“underlying fund”) securities. The MSCI World (Developed Markets) Index is a broad global equity index that includes large and mid-cap companies across 23 developed market countries. It covers approximately 85% of the free float-adjusted market capitalisation in each country.

Further information on the underlying fund can be obtained directly from the following link : iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF 

Why Choose Satrix MSCI World

Diversify your offshore equity exposure across 23 developed market economies Get simple offshore equity exposure without taking rands offshore Lower trading fees which means more return for you

Investor Information As On 17 Feb 2025

Net Asset Value per Satrix MSCI World ETF security R 103.0237
Market Capitalisation of Satrix MSCI World ETF R 17 105 612 485.92
Distributable Amount per security -0.0467
Cash Contribution per Satrix MSCI World ETF basket R -1 210.00
MSCI World (Developed Markets) Index 2 076.60
Total Expense Ratio 0.35%

Index Composition

  • International Equity 100.00%

Satrix MSCI World Fund Performance




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Fund Price

The investment performance is for illustrative purposes only and is calculated by taking into account JSE closing prices. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

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Satrix ETF performance indicator:

The graph represents price performance using JSE closing prices per Satrix security and is relevant to each Satrix ETF (product) as offered by Satrix. Performance is for illustrative purposes only and past performance is not indicative of future performance. An individual’s investment performance and the Portfolio NAV may differ from the indicators in the graph as a result of other factors such as brokerage fees, acquisition prices, portfolio costs, management fees, dividend declarations and reinvestment, and withholding taxes, where applicable.

Performance Table

31 Jan 2025 Fund * Benchmark ** CPI Inflation ***
Since Inception (Aug 2017) 212.21% 213.15% 18.22%
Since Inception 16.39% 16.44% 4.63%
Year to Date 2.42% 2.43% 0.52%
1 Year 21.71% 21.87% 3.46%
3 Years 16.53% 16.63% 5.21%
5 Years 16.97% 17.09% 4.9%
7 Years 17.25% 17.32% 4.71%
10 Years 0.0% 0.0% 5.02%
  • * Returns are calculated for lump sum investments. All dividends reinvested on ex-date.
  • ** The benchmark is a total return index.
  • *** This is based on the latest CPI numbers.

Fund Comparison Tool

The investment performance is for illustrative purposes only and is calculated by taking into account JSE closing prices. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

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Satrix ETF performance indicator:

The graph represents price performance using JSE closing prices per Satrix security and is relevant to each Satrix ETF (product) as offered by Satrix. Performance is for illustrative purposes only and past performance is not indicative of future performance. An individual’s investment performance and the Portfolio NAV may differ from the indicators in the graph as a result of other factors such as brokerage fees, acquisition prices, portfolio costs, management fees, dividend declarations and reinvestment, and withholding taxes, where applicable.

Fund Documentation


Effective Annual Cost

The Effective Annual Cost (EAC) is a measure which has been introduced to allow you to compare the cost you incur when you invest in different financial products. It is expressed as a percentage of your investment amount. The EAC is made up of four charges, which are added together, as shown in the table below. Some of the charges may vary, depending on your investment period. The EAC calculation assumes that an investor terminates his or her investment in the financial product at the end of the relevant periods shown in the table.


The fund tracks the performance of the MSCI World (Developed Markets) Index in South African Rand. This is a broad global equity index that includes large- and mid-cap companies across 23 developed market countries. It covers approximately 85% of the free float-adjusted market capitalisation in each country.

Why Choose Satrix MSCI World

Diversify your offshore equity exposure across 23 developed market economies Get simple offshore equity exposure without taking rands offshore Lower trading fees which means more return for you

Investor Information As On 17 Feb 2025

Management Fee Direct to Retail Investor 0.50% + VAT
Management Fee via LISP 0.10% + VAT

Index Composition

  • 0.07%

Fund Documentation


Effective Annual Cost

The Effective Annual Cost (EAC) is a measure which has been introduced to allow you to compare the cost you incur when you invest in different financial products. It is expressed as a percentage of your investment amount. The EAC is made up of four charges, which are added together, as shown in the table below. Some of the charges may vary, depending on your investment period. The EAC calculation assumes that an investor terminates his or her investment in the financial product at the end of the relevant periods shown in the table.