The Satrix SmartCore™ Index Fund is designed to offer a diversified equity portfolio with the objective of enhancing returns relative to the FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index. This is achieved by targeting stocks with particular positive exposures to multiple desired attributes, such as Momentum, Value and Quality. These attributes are rewarded drivers of returns and after when combined in a multi-factor approach, offer strong overall exposure to the desired risk factors, while simultaneously mitigating unintended exposures to unrewarded risk factors. Through the cycle, this strategy aims to deliver capital growth, while delivering positive risk-adjusted excess returns with robust risk control relative to the FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index.
The Effective Annual Cost (EAC) is a measure which has been introduced to allow you to compare the cost you incur when you invest in different financial products. It is expressed as a percentage of your investment amount. The EAC is made up of four charges, which are added together, as shown in the table below. Some of the charges may vary, depending on your investment period. The EAC calculation assumes that an investor terminates his or her investment in the financial product at the end of the relevant periods shown in the table.